Church Planting Wife, The: Help and Hope for Her Heart
Church Planting Wife, The: Help and Hope for Her Heart
Christine Hoover

A church planter's wife must develop a job description, be a wise helper to her husband, and develop friendships within the church and community.


From Good to Grace: Letting Go Of The Goodness Gospel
From Good to Grace: Letting Go Of The Goodness Gospel
Christine Hoover

Are you endlessly striving to be good--a good friend, wife, mother, Christian, employee, or ministry leader--only to discover that you have created a performanced-based relationship with God?


Messy Beautiful Friendship: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships
Messy Beautiful Friendship: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships
Christine Hoover

Friendship is one of God's greatest gifts. Christine Hoover offers a fresh biblical vision of friendship that allows for the messiness of our lives and schedules.
